Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving don’t forget to be thankful for your animal companions and keep
them safe.
If you have guests over for the holidays be sure to provide your animals with a safe, comfortable place to rest, away from the hustle and bustle of festive activities. Some pets enjoy being right in the middle of the fun, while others choose to stay clear. Respect and be aware of your pets' needs and safety.
If you have guests over for the holidays be sure to provide your animals with a safe, comfortable place to rest, away from the hustle and bustle of festive activities. Some pets enjoy being right in the middle of the fun, while others choose to stay clear. Respect and be aware of your pets' needs and safety.
you want to give your pets a Thanksgiving feast of their own, be careful not to
overdo it, a change in diet could upset their digestive track. Avoid
using foods that contain a lot of salt or preservatives and avoid sweets.
all know chocolate isn't good for pets, but what some people don’t know is that Xylitol, a common sweetener and baking ingredient, is very toxic for animals.
So during your holiday planning don't forget to plan for your pets' needs and
have a Happy Howliday Season!